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Friday, June 7, 2013

Saudi prince spends more than 15 million euros in Disneyland to celebrate his graduation from the University

French media reports revealed that a Saudi prince spent about 15 million euros (19.5 million dollars) in the celebrations hosted in Disneyland park entertainment near the French capital, Paris, on the occasion of the end of his university studies.
According to the same sources that Prince Fahd Al-Saud spent this amount in the period between 22 and 24 May to organize special offers services «Euro Disney» him and sixty of his guests, the occasion of the graduation, he has also been allocated Service special security for Prince Saudi and his companions.
She Euro Disney Co., which manages the park spend a Saudi princes three days with a number of guests. The celebrations included during his time Prince special events, including the emergence of some rare Disney characters, according to the report by the Euro Disney Co. to the French news agency.
The company provided a special secure place to visit Prince, one of the customers of high-level park, according to the company said.
And attracted Disneyland Park during last year's 16 million visitors, but the company Euro Disney says it has not made ​​any profits since its inception in 1992.
The company had lost in the last year of nearly 121 million euros in the first half of the last fiscal year, compared to her loss, which amounted to about 100 million euros in the same period of the previous year.

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