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Sunday, June 9, 2013

10 steps to become a successful blogger

10 steps to become a successful blogger
Not everyone has a blog is a successful blogger, after the fame and success that you have defined a company with Google decided to many people enter this vast field without learning the basic rules for this area just for the sake of profit. For me that blogging hobby or may not be because of blogging in order to earn money leaves many cons illusion that we find poverty in the Arab content ...
The piece decided to write this post which will put 10 gold secrets to be a successful blogger.

1. Determine the Blog
First you must choose domain that Stdon to it where you must choose the area that appeals to you and you feel that you are able to excel in it.

2. Determine the Domain Blog
Must choose Dumben to be short and forums symbolizes to the subject of the Code, for example, if we found the site without access to this site know that he speaks on topics related to tourism in general. The piece must be carefully selected domain.

3. Blog format
Choose a template nice fit with the theme of your blog is beautiful degree attract visitors. A visitor if impressed by your site, especially if the blogger or designer templates or ... Will return to visit the forums many times to follow your posts.

4. Writing Entries
When Chroek in writing Entries tried to pour full concentration and interest in what you write without being influenced by what is going on around you so that not disperse your thoughts and Booze off topic and your efforts are useless. Beware to copy blog entries because this will weaken your ranking in the search engines and your blog will not be useful. Do not forget to include your posts beautiful images related to the subject that you Ptdonh.

5. Choose a title entry
After writing entry tried to choose the title fits the subject using the words be searched a lot and the competition is weak and thus will top ranks first in the search engines.

6. Publish the subjects
Spread some of your posts in the forums with a large source to bring visitors to your blog. You can answer the questions and put a link subject if the subject has to do with the question at hand. Create a page on social networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter, Google Plus and publish your own topics.

7. Interaction with visitors
You answer all the questions posed by visitors and observers to earn admiration and more fame.

8. Avoid frequent ads
Avoid frequent ads in the interface code reader finds it difficult to search on the subject leaves the blog as well as being quickly slow down the speed of browsing forums and remember that your primary goal is not money, but blogging.

9. Patience and continuity
Do not stop writing Postings but your work hard and continued diligence. Patience is one of the basics of blogging because any success is not the product of a day and night, but be the product of effort. And earnings and profits would be gradual Patience is the foundation. May build a successful blog takes from several months to a year. And continued supplying subjects forums.

10. Live your life

Do not make blogging every distress just enough to devote two hours a day in order to blogging and this is enough to be a successful blogger and trust in God in every step.

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