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Sunday, June 23, 2013

The fundamental differences between Western Digital disks

Certainly encounter this confusion by and you stop and think about the right kind of different Western Digital disks and compact in front of you and each color distinguishes it, and want to know which one will be best suited Bastkhaddamatk. We find disk Western Digital WD Black black and there is also a blue WD Blue and Green WD Green recently joined the disk the WD Red and Red, which did not get very popular yet. What are the fundamental differences between these drives? And what could make one of the best option among the rest of the drive before?

These questions need to answer, and we'll show in this topic quickly each disc features of Western Digital disks and the optimal use of each type of them, to be able at the end of the disk determine the best and most suited to your needs from a USB flash drive.

A series of internal drives Western Digital Internal Hard Disk:
Black disk Western Digital Black:
These discs located in front of him gradient to drive Western Digital, are designed to offer the best performance among all the disks provided by the company, it comes with many features make it one of the fastest and most efficient drive in operation. فنجدها working Bmtgmin Dual Processor, which speeds up the procedure commands and read and write operations on the disk. Contain Dynamic Cache Technology is working on the distribution of cache on each of the two readers and writing on the disk so as to provide automatic state of equilibrium during operation, for example, ... if it finds that the percentage of disk loading and pressure during the process of reading much higher than the rate of loading during writing , the allocates disk cache to meet the overload caused by the process of reading.
Traditionally, that recommend owning Western Digital Black disk as a system disk in his capacity as the fastest in the boot process Booting from the company's other tablets.

Blue disk Western Digital Blue:
Despite this less disk performance than its predecessor, but it is most prevalent among the disks Western Digital, it fits many Allastkhaddmat both as a system disk or even for storage. Vsrath a very good run and is the alternative best suited to disk WD Black, and provides storage areas are numerous and favorable price. Unlike tablets WD Black that may come at a higher price for the same space storage. The company has to issue copies of the disk WD Blue depend on the interface connecting PATA or as we call them sometimes the IDE, which is the interface Connecting the oldest of the modern connectors SATA. Of course, users of this ratio less constantly PATA port which often will not last for a longer period, but still a good gesture from Western Digital for taking account holders the Alkadih generations of computers.

Green disk Western Digital Green:
This disc is designed specifically for the purpose of performance disk storage and at the same time working on rationalization of energy consumption and provide less discomfort level during operation and also less heat output.It is ideal in the case of used disk storage to save important data on the device, but does not fit disk system as is the case with the discs above, design of disk WD Green Certified heavily on energy efficiency during operation and therefore it is difficult for him so that works the same efficiency drive WD Blackand WD Blue., but on the other hand is designed WD Green to be able to endure and save the data better, and the company confirmed to carry the disk to work as a disk external storage as well as external Hard Disk, which indicates actually endurance large enjoyed by tablets WD Green.

Red disk Western Digital Red:
Is the last thing added by the company for a smooth disk drives of the Interior, which is not much different in its features from the previous disk WD Green in terms of rationalization of energy and work low temperatures, but it has the features to make it the best in terms of use of disk storage on the network Network, or what is known as systems networked storage NAS (Network attached Storage), Vtm Nsamam tablets WD Red tablets ideal for sharing data stored on them as they are designed to withstand working 24-hour, 7 days a week, that is, they operate without interruption, as it already is ideal for networking devices and hardware service Servers PC, and password behind it is to contain those disks firmware upgraded and known as Firmware and installed slices disk and launched the company name NASware, so that they share the data on the disk smoothly is also working to provide substantial protection of the evidence stored from damage, and finally prepare these discs is very suitable for the status of connected RAID.

If we got lost and quickly on the advantages of each disk, though you who have become bored quickly Neither read all of the above quick here are summarized for each disk usage to be able to select which one you choose:

WD Black: is the top performing and fastest among disks and Hokzlk the most expensive, is recommended as the operating system disk.
WD Blue: If you want to avoid the cost of disk WD Black At the same time, do not lose the good performance, especially with the operating systems it will certainly best suited Basbh you.
WD Green: If you are already owns one of the previous drive and just want to get extra storage space, there is no need if you pay more, you can own a WD Green drive that will provide you with large storage space and cheaply compared to the previous disc.
WD Red: is rare not been given very popular yet, and But owning advised that you have service or devices you want to buy data storage disks shared by many other devices, it is ideal for the purpose of sharing files through the networks Network.

Here we have finished detailing types of internal disks of Western Digital and clarify the uses of each disk, remained only stated that there is another kind of internal disks did not mention in the article, a Western Digital VelociRaptor, a private groups Supreme users, they are working at high speeds too, where The rotation speed 10,000 RPM unlike disks Alsaqh that reach a maximum speed of 7,200 RPM only!! But these disks are distinct and special category of users somehow I did not want incorporated in comparison yen normal Western Digital disks allocated to all users.

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